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Account Deletion Policy

We're sorry to see you go! To ensure security, minimise data retention, and safeguard user privacy, Golala App accounts are typically removed after 120 days of inactivity, defined as a lack of connection to the Golala App. If you wish to request account deletion, please send an email to

Please note that an active internet connection is necessary for an account to remain active. If a user has the Golala App open on their device without an internet connection, the account will be deemed inactive. Content stored locally on a user's device before account deletion will persist until the Golala App is deleted from the device. Upon re-registering for the Golala App on the same device, locally stored content will be restored.

Deleting your account through the Golala App involves the following simple steps:

  1. Log in to Your Account: Sign in to your Golala App account by accessing the 'Account' menu.
  2. Select 'Delete Account': After a successful login, locate and choose the 'Delete Account' option to initiate the data deletion process.
  3. Confirm Deletion: To proceed, confirm your decision when prompted. If you are certain about deleting your account and all associated data, click 'YES' to finalise the deletion.
  4. Finally, uninstall the Golala App from your device.

By following these steps, you can securely and effortlessly delete your Golala App account.

Shop Closure Request

Procedure for Golala Shop Closure Request:

Once a request for account closure is verified, access to all Shop Events is promptly terminated. Following a 90-day cooling-off period, any remaining content will be permanently removed.

Steps to Delete Your Account:

To initiate the deletion of your Golala Shop account, kindly send an email to requesting account deletion.

Account Deletion Process:

Upon receiving the deletion request, accounts are swiftly removed from the Golala Shop, along with all linked content, uploads, profile images, and other associated data.